Welcome to my daily painting blog.

I create one new small work every few days. Most are done from life and reflect pleasant childhood memories of Michigan's rural beauty.
Have fun!

Sunday, June 15

Laynie: (almost finished) 8 x 10" oil on hard panel


a message from Laynie........
"Happy Fathers' Day Dad! The painting is for you."

Ken Brown is my pastor. I cannot count the number of times both he and his wife Kim have helped me gain perspective when I was stressed out. Their daughters Laynie and Anna are delightful young ladies who grow sweeter by the minute. I love this family! Preachers' kids get alot of bad press these days and I'd like to use today, Fathers' Day 2008, to set that record straight. I see a calm and loving interaction between Ken and his children. These two girls are nearly always smiling. We notice things like that.

Happy Fathers' Day Ken!

Saturday, June 14

Memorial Day

oil on canvas 3" x 15"

***** I use my scanner to get images my smaller works. At 3x15" this painting was too wide to fit, so I had to scan it twice. If you know how to splice the two images together so that they will upload as one image, I would appreciate your input.

Every year on Memorial Day, the Willow Run Airfield hosts an air show. The flight path runs straight over my neighborhood.
It’s a real treat to watch from the second story balcony as planes from each era in aviation remind us that freedom has a price. My father, my spouse, and five of my ten brothers and sisters have served in the military.

My brother Ira, a veteran of the Vietnam conflict, is an avid storyteller. He held the family mesmerized as he told how he heard the high pitched whistle of a bomb while he was shaving. He ran out of his tent clad only in his undershorts and his watch. When he went back to look, there was a large crater where his tent had been. I guess you could say that was a close shave.

The spires you see at left are from Fordson High School just two blocks away. An historical landmark in itself, Fordson High is a massive and
breathtakingly beautiful structure.

Saturday, June 7

"Peppermint Oil" 2x3" oil miniature

At no time in the 26 year history of my marriage have we ever been without a bottle of peppermint oil. I use it in my coffee, desserts, and sometimes in my homemade lemon/mint salad dressing (when fresh mint leaves are unbearably pricey). If you want the recipe, I'd be happy to share it via email.

This view shows the painting under diffused indoor light.