Welcome to my daily painting blog.

I create one new small work every few days. Most are done from life and reflect pleasant childhood memories of Michigan's rural beauty.
Have fun!

Thursday, August 28

Light Show 3"x3" oil on masonite panel $45

The skies in Michigan go grey by the end of october and generally stay that way until the end of March. But Summer evenings here are often spectacular. Perhaps this is only perception. It could be that sun deprivation for a goodly part of the year produces in us an exaggerated sense of what is spectacular. If so, then it is a willing delusion.

Wednesday, August 27

Last Dance of Summer 3"x3" oil on masonite $45

I love to watch birds chase one another and I love open spaces. This then is a composite of two of my favorite elements.

Tuesday, August 26

Coffee Klutch 3"x3" oil on masonite panel $45

Morning is the sweetest time of the day. I so enjoy awakening to the chatter of busy birds. Once upon a time you could even hear the quiet rustle of wheat in the breeze. There are still a few places like that, but they're being steadily overcome by folks on exodus from city life. I don't blame them. There's much to recommend about living a tad bit closer to nature. I plan to do it myself one day. The unfortunate side effect is that the more folks move out to the country, the more like city it will become. Don't get me wrong. That does not obligate us to stay huddled together on our concrete oasis. I just think that when we do live on farmland, we ought to at least consider what affect our sojourn will have on the place. I just visited some friends who moved to an area that I personally remember as all corn and wheat. I passed it on the road time and time again as a child. They have been very careful to preserve the nature around them. They're growing their own produce and preserving it and they're encouraging the wildlife. I find that gratifying.

Monday, August 25

Watcher on the Marsh 3" x 3" oil on masonite $45

Here's the second of the rural Michigan paintings. I've finished seven now and waiting for them to dry so that I can post them is excruciating. I'm anxious for you to see them. There are two that I want to use as a springboard for larger (perhaps sofa-size) paintings.

I have looked at my work on computer screens other than my own recently and was shocked to see that the images were cloudy looking, not at all as they really are or how they appear on my own screen. Perhaps that's because I use my scanner like a camera. That's why I have to wait until they dry before I post them. When I figure out how to make sure the images you see more closely fit reality, I'll replace the whole website with better images.

Contact me at jandale@jandalefineart.com or call 313-581-1342

Friday, August 22

Rural Sky 3" x 3" oil on masonite panel $45

I thought it would be a nice change of pace to paint a few miniature landscapes of Michigan as I saw it in my childhood. I have three completed and will post them over the next few days.
Honk if you love Michigan....or just leave a comment.

p.s. Make that seven landscapes completed. I need to find a better way to photograph my work. Otherwise I will have to wait until they're dry before I post them and that sort of defeats the purpose of the daily painting thing.
You may contact me with questions at jandale@jandalefineart.com or call 313-581-1342.

Wednesday, August 20

Committee Meeting (Oil, in progress)

Each panel is 3" square and could be displayed as a 6" x 6" set or as a group of four smaller paintings.

I was going to elaborate on why I chose this title, but I think it best to let the viewer draw from it whatever meaning evokes personal memories.
I hope to have it finished by the end of this week.

Contact me; jandale@jandalefineart.com or call 313-581-1342

Friday, August 1

About Giveaways

If you love to own original artwork..for free.... then this post is for you! We artist types understand that the economy is tight right now, but we have to keep painting toward the day when it will inevitably loosen up. So artists sometimes post giveaway paintings on their blogsites. I'm giving away the painting you see to your right.
But I'm not alone...Read on..
...In fact, I used to not believe that real people really won those. That is..until I began engaging in online dialogue with other artists, most of them by far my superior (by design). That's when I met Judith D'Agostino, an impressionistic landscape artist. She encouraged me to enter her giveaway. So I trusted for once. Imagine my joy when she announced me as the winner of a gorgeous New Mexico oil landscape!
Now, while Judith is possibly one of my favorite landscape artists, Jeff Hayes is one of my top three favorite stillife artists. I love how he creates a glow around the edges of glass objects. And he's giving away a painting this month!!!!!!...and what's even better is that he's quite well known. I've read possibly everything he's posted over the last year and learned a great deal from him. While what I'd REALLY like to win is that painting of a glass oil cruet he posted some time ago, I'm still entering this one because it is a Jeff Hayes work afterall and quite collectable. If you have a blog, you can enter his drawing too. Click on ...Free Jeff Hayes Painting. Let me know if you need help. I'd be happy to support this highly respected artist. Remember to enter mine as well. Who knows? You could end up with your own miniature gallery.
Contact me at jandale@jandalefineart.com or call 313-581-1342