Welcome to my daily painting blog.

I create one new small work every few days. Most are done from life and reflect pleasant childhood memories of Michigan's rural beauty.
Have fun!

Wednesday, October 24

Laynie; a work in progress

oil on masonite panel , personal collection

This is one in a series of experimental child portraits. I plan to write an accrostic poem that typifies this intelligent and gentle spirited girl. The words will be painted in a vertical format along the left side of the painting. This is why you see so much open space there. Please be patient. I am working toward teacher certification at UMD and have little time to paint during the school year. Most of the commission work that I do is completed during the summer months.

Thursday, August 30

Evening Rain

Daily painting #38
2"x3" oil on masonite panel
$85 plus $5 shipping

I keep a few of these smallest panels handy for warm-up sessions. I currently have four larger works in progress, but I sometimes need to loosen up my brush strokes before working on those.

Wednesday, August 22

ANNA; finished!

private collection
There comes a time when an artist knows that to add just one more brush stroke will kill a painting. For "Anna", that time is now. What made me decide this? First, I couldn't think where to continue. That's usually the first indication that one should stop. The second, and most compelling reason is that three people who know Anna, gasped upon seeing the painting as it sat drying on the easel and said, "Is that Anna _____!?" Now I could paint in the gingham pattern in her dress, but I sense that it would distract from her sweet face. I think that simplicity serves this subject best.
So here's Anna, the girl who is always in one of three states; on the go, poised to go, or (as in this painting), having paused for a nano-second from being on the go!

Tuesday, August 21

Work In Progress (not yet titled)

This was started with a reference photo from the same shoot as the three little girls. The model is Sarah's little brother, James. After Norman Rockwell fashion, I wanted to use the exaggerated gesture. IBut I didn't have to exaggerate. James was walking goofy, and we caught it on film. It seemed to shout, 'little boy teasing big sister'. If you have any suggestions for a title, please comment. Again, the goal is not a perfect likeness of the boy, but telling a story with paint.

Monday, August 20

Work In Progress (New Red Dress)

I have been working on a series of child portraits for the last week and a half. You can view the sketches that they are from at Paily Painting Watcher. These will all be rather small; 8 x 10" mostly. I like to tell a story with my models. The exuberant hug and the pretty dress suggested a story of a little girl's gratitude for her new home-sewn dress. Working this small presents some challenges. Getting a likeness on a head that measures one inch square is tricky to say the least. Most portrait artists I know work life size for this reason. But here, I am trying to force myself to simplify, and an exact likeness is not the main goal. The work is more illustration than portraiture. Keep watching. I'll have it done soon.

Tuesday, August 14

A visitor most welcome

daily painting #37
3x3" oil on gessoed masonite unframed

My Dad and one of my sisters live right next door to one another, in Kingsport, Tennessee. I had the pleasure last week of rising early each morning and watching six hummingbirds feed at a flaming Mimosa tree which grew at the common fence which separated the two yards. Obviously, I could not work from life this time. The tiny visitors flitted too fast to capture. I had to use a combination of quick sketches, photo references, and my previous knowledge of hummingbirds. They feed about 4-5 times every hour of daylight. These appeared to be of the ruby-throated variety, but I couldn't get close enough to tell for certain. Next time I go, I plan to take a better camera with a quick zoom...and of course my field glasses.

Monday, August 13

Stormy Feather

daily painting #36
3x2" oil on gessoed masonite
$85, $5 shipping

I found this feather on the ground beneath a tree in Kingsport Tennessee where I was visiting my 90 yr. old Dad. The feather is scarcely an inch and a half long, and appears to be from a wing. Please contact me if you think you know what kind of bird it might be from.
The title comes from a naming contest I ran. Kim Brown of Michigan supplied the winning entry. Thanks Kim!

Tuesday, July 31


daily painting # 35
3 x 3" oil on masonite
$85, $5 shipping

This painting created itself. I took a handful of fresh blueberries and opened my hand just above the table to see how they would fall. They looked like a group of people gathering together. They seemed to be turning their faces toward one another in pleasant, casual conversation. Reminds me of my friends. When one of us is hurting, someone is quick at our side, comforting, praying, running errands, taking care of the kids. And when one of us has great news, we know it really matters to the rest. The encouragement is genuine and meaningful. Looks like we're celebrating something.

Saturday, July 28


daily painting #32
3 x 3" oil on masonite
$85, $5 shipping

My husband and I went blueberry picking near Grand Rapids, the home of my sister Lois. We brought back 11lbs of blueberries..about enough to last a few weeks.

I had difficulty getting a good shot of the mixed bunch with the digital camera. But I'll post it as soon as I get it figured out.

Wednesday, July 25

Peppermint Oil

daily painting #31
aprx. 2x3" oil on canvas
$85, $5 shipping

I love to cook. My husband loves to eat what I cook. Life is good. But there is one thing that absolutely sends him running for the fork drawer. That... is peppermint. I keep a bottle on of peppermint oil in the cupboard always. I put it in brownies and in any other thing that seems compatible with it. I get bored, but he never does. I've decided to play an April Fools-in-July trick. I plan to put a drop of the peppy flavoring on the bottom of the oven and turn the thing on for a few minutes....say..a half hour before he's due home. We have lately cut back on sweets, so treats taste especially goood when I do make them. When he sniffs the air and asks what I made, I will feign confusion. As I envision the crestfallen look on his face, I realize that I can't do it. It's just too cruel.

Tuesday, July 24

Most Valuable Player

daily painting #30
3x3" oil on canvas
Private collection NFS

One either loves chess or loathes it, but folks are rarely ambivalent. My brother, George, used to go for the throat! Perhaps that's why when I played Stratigo with my nephew, Damean, I didn't just "let" him win. When he finally beat me at the age of 9, he did it on his own steam. The wild jig he performed upon finding my flag rivaled River Dance's most lively number. Damean, if you come across this, I love ya, man!


Sunday, July 22

Eggplant Slices

daily painting #29

3x3" oil on canvas

$85, $5 shipping

I normally do not post on Sunday, but these were just too much fun. I don't really like eggplant (too slippery), but they are too interesting not to paint.

Saturday, July 21

Crystal Bell

daily painting#28
4 x 6" oil on canvas
$125 + $5 shipping

A really sensible artist would begin an exploration of glass with a simple straight-sided and empty juice glass. Then, she/he would progress with ever increasing complexity. But NOOOooooooooo...I had to just jump right in there with a tiny crystal bell that defied me to mentallty freeze its flickering shapes! I know, I know....and I really really tried to do this in one sitting like most of the rest, but it just didn't happen. In the days before I discovered the painting a day concept, I might have abandoned the thing before I gave it a second chance. But now? All I can say is thank you to Duane Keiser and all the other first runners in this daily painting marathon. Incidentally, check out Duane's Topophilia Project..inspiring!

Wednesday, July 18

Baladi Grapes

daily painting #27
4 x 6" oil on canvas

These grapes are painted actual size. Yes, they are this tiny.
A very special thanks to my grocers at Chase and Greenland Markets in Dearborn, Michigan for supplying me with the luscious fruits that have been the subjects for my most recent paintings. They carry an amazing variety of things not found at larger chains. When I got these teensy pearl-like grapes home, I asked one of my neighbors what "baladi" meant. What a delight for this old farmgirl when he told me it meant that the store bought them locally from someone growing the grapes in their own backyard. Baladi literally means home-grown. My neighbor pointed upward and, sure enough, there was a grape arbor over his carport. He invited me to have some when they ripen. How sweet!

Tuesday, July 17


daily painting # 26
3 x 3" oil on canson paper

This was the fridge preserved half left over from the previous three paintings. It's a little more dried out and old looking. Not as pretty as #24, but good for study.

Monday, July 16

Chocolate dipped orange slices

daily painting #25
3 x 3" oil on canson paper
Click to bid.

More oranges. Makes me thirsty for orange juice.

Saturday, July 14

Orange Slices

daily painting #24
3 x 3" oil on canson paper

As you can see, this week is all about oranges. Thank you for visiting. Keep watching.

Friday, July 13

Orange Reflections

daily painting # 23
3 x 3" oil on Canson paper

I'm working on more accurate reflections and experimenting with oil paint on paper. I like the smooth texture. It's less rough than canvas.

Tuesday, July 10

Olive Oil

daily painting #22 completed July 8
6 x 6" oil on canvas on beveled wood

Fresh olives and raw almonds are some of the many abundant treats available on the East end of Dearborn, Michigan. I never knew there were so very many varieties of olives or how delightfully pungent the flavor of fresh parsley. This painting represents one of my healthier shopping forays. The jug holds olive oil (not in the jar it came in). The dark background represents the enjoyment of nourishment together when the day's work is done.

Sunday, July 8

Grandpa George

aprx 14 x 11 Not For Sale completed May 30

Now that I have my daily works posted up to this point (though pitifully out of sequence) I will begin to post as often as I have a piece that is dry enough to scan. Soon, I hope to set up a site that features my larger works. Just for fun, here is a study I have done for a larger painting. It is of my Brother, George and his grand-daughter on the shore. I borrowed the photo several years ago and tried to do this same painting first in watercolor, then colored pencil, and then in acrylics. It just never seemed right. About three months ago, I began to experiment with oil paints. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I think I'm home. Since I had been graciously asked to return the photo, I only had the black and white blow-ups I copied for value study to work from. The final larger painting, (about half finished) will have a darker sky and a more sunlit shore.


daily painting #7 created June 6
4 x 4" oil on canvas
price: $85

What can I say? I love apples. They remind me of falling leaves and chilly walks in Apple Charlie's Orchard.


daily painting #9 created June 8
3.75 x 3.75 oil on canvas
price: $85

I started a collection of teacups years ago, but I keep giving them away when they are admired. This happens to be one of only three remaining. I keep it because it was a gift from a dear friend and I couldn't bear to have her visit and find it missing.

Saturday, July 7

Bowl of Cherries

Daily painting #18 June 27
6" diameter oil on canvas on beveled wood
price: $135

My husband and I found a cherry orchard hidden deep in a hollow while we were driving a few summers ago. We can't find it now. It was about the most enchanting place I've ever been to. Dragonflies with gold lace wings flitted amongst the trees as we picked ripe juicy cherries for pennies a pound. We only happened on it because of the hand lettered corrugated cardboard signs meekly pointing in its general direction. If I ever find it again, I'll ask for permission to do some plein aire painting there.

Lone Cherry

Daily Painting #19 June 29
2 x 4" oil on canvas on beveled wood
price: $95

The play of light on a single cherry is fascinating. The color is so dark red as to appear black. If I moved my position at all, I lost the shadow and highlight shapes. To date, it is my best fruit painting. The little fritz at the end of the stem happened by accident. I had the piece tilted up and it tipped forward on its face. When I picked it up, the paint at the end of the stem was spattered. I decided I liked it that way.

Green Grapes

daily painting #17 created June 26
4" diameter oil on canvas mounted on beveled wood
price: $110

Again, I find inspiration at my favorite fruit market. They almost look like a tricycle. That was unintentional, but I like it.


daily painting #15 created June 22
4" diameter oil on canvas mounted to beveled wood
price: $110

I can't tell you how many hours my siblings and I spent picking wild strawberries in the field behind our childhood home in Huron Township. Though I bought these at my favorite fruit market, they brought to mind many a happy berry picking hour with Kate, Phyllis, and George.


daily painting # 16
4" diameter oil on canvas mounted on beveled wood
price: $110

I went to the local fruit market and found perfect apricots that were as delicious as they were pretty. I have yet to capture the true color of apricots. It eluded me hour by hour and I finally had to finish or die trying. Eventually I'll get it right.

Candle in a Jar

daily painting #12 June 16
6 x 6" oil on canvas mounted on beveled wood
price: $135

This is my husband's favorite to date. Candles, next to God, may be the reason we still share a happy life after 25+ years together. He has been enormously supportive of and patient with my various artistic exploits.

Cobalt Blue Vessel

daily painting #13 created June 19
6 x 6" oil on canvas mounted on beveled wood
price: $135

I found this beautiful piece at a local resale shop called Value Village (lovingly dubbed "Vee Vee's" when I want to sound auspicious). It has no maker's mark. I wish I could find the artist and view more of his/her work. I'm sure I'll paint it again, perhaps embracing flowers.


daily painting # 8 created June 7
3 x 3" oil on canvas
price: $85

I wanted to experiment with green backgrounds, and cast shadows. I like these brushes, but my favorite ones were busy painting these.

Birthday Rose

daily painting # 3 created May 31
2 x 3" oil on canvas
Not for sale

My husband bought me the most tear eliciting bouquet of yellow roses for my birthday. (My brother Ron would know their actual name) I do not paint flowers much, but I had to try at least one.

Home Canned Plums

daily painting #5 created June 4
3.5 x 2.5" Oil on canvas

I love the nostalgia of home canning. Fruit and vegetables seem to taste better when you know that someone prepared them out of love and not just to mass produce for bucks. My own 90yrs. plus Dad was still preserving his own elderberries until recently. Now my sister helps him pretend he is doing it himself. She is indeed a loving daughter. Maybe I'll pick some elderberries when I visit them down South later this summer and paint them all by themselves.

Raspberry Coffeecake

daily painting #21 created July 2
6" diameter Oil on canvas mounted on beveled wood.
price: $135

Thank you to Claude and Lynn for your scrumptious harvest of berries. They were as fun to eat as they were to paint. I plan to paint some by themselves in all their glowing redness soon. But I'll need some fresh ones that haven't been frozen yet. (hint hint)

Pumpkin Pie

daily painting # 20 created July 1
6x6" Oil on canvas mounted on beveled wood.

Ever wonder why restaurants declare pumpkin pie to be out of season when they get the filling from a can? It is always in season for my family. Last year, I got a few pie pumpkins and froze the fruit for winter. Good stuff!

Eggshells in a Bowl

daily painting #11 created June 14
6" diameter Oil on canvas mounted on beveled wood.
price: $135

After making breakfast, I thought that the bowl in which I tossed the eggshells made a nice composition.

Red Velvet Cake

daily painting #14 created June 21
6x6" Oil on canvas mounted to beveled wood and ready for display.
price: $135
This is possibly my favorite. can you guess why? I like the swirls of icing on the top and the shadows in it. I like how that turned out. I want to work on more acurate elipses, though.