Welcome to my daily painting blog.

I create one new small work every few days. Most are done from life and reflect pleasant childhood memories of Michigan's rural beauty.
Have fun!

Tuesday, July 24

Most Valuable Player

daily painting #30
3x3" oil on canvas
Private collection NFS

One either loves chess or loathes it, but folks are rarely ambivalent. My brother, George, used to go for the throat! Perhaps that's why when I played Stratigo with my nephew, Damean, I didn't just "let" him win. When he finally beat me at the age of 9, he did it on his own steam. The wild jig he performed upon finding my flag rivaled River Dance's most lively number. Damean, if you come across this, I love ya, man!



Unknown said...

Oh, Janny, I must find a way to get this into the right hands (you know what I mean). Love you PJ

Jan Dale said...

My heart and my prayers go with you on that. Love you too.
(to other readers; Phyllis is my sister AND my biggest fan)