daily painting#28
4 x 6" oil on canvas
$125 + $5 shipping
A really sensible artist would begin an exploration of glass with a simple straight-sided and empty juice glass. Then, she/he would progress with ever increasing complexity. But NOOOooooooooo...I had to just jump right in there with a tiny crystal bell that defied me to mentallty freeze its flickering shapes! I know, I know....and I really really tried to do this in one sitting like most of the rest, but it just didn't happen. In the days before I discovered the painting a day concept, I might have abandoned the thing before I gave it a second chance. But now? All I can say is thank you to Duane Keiser and all the other first runners in this daily painting marathon. Incidentally, check out Duane's Topophilia Project..inspiring!
This is your fiest attempt at crystal? No one would know.....please give me more.
Thank you again, Phyllis,
It is indeed my first attempt at crystal. What's your favorite type of crystal vessel? Perhaps (can't promise) somtime it will turn up here! I like to get viewer ideas for paintings....and I really, truly appreciate your supportive responses.
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